Megan Halvorsen


About Megan

  • Darwin, Australia

  • Senior Pastor, C3 Church Darwin

  • Area Director, South Australia/ Northern Territory

  • Graduated C3 College in 1999

  • Studied 2 years at School of Ministry: Diploma in Christian Ministry.

  • Married to Lars, 3 Daughters: Elisha, Abbie and Eva.

Keep growing

I still remember sitting in C3 College classes as a young 19 year old, eagerly learning from the amazing men and women of God who brought such rich understanding of the Bible and life in ministry. I was beginning to discern God’s call for my life and although a little hesitant, there was a seed of the dream that one day I’d be serving God by leading a church as part of the church planting vision cast by Ps Phil and Chris Pringle.

College was foundational to my life and was 2 years of intense growth that no doubt set me up to be fruitful as a disciple and leader. Fast forward 20 years to today, and one thing I know now is that when it comes to leadership, we never stop learning!

At the start of 2012, my husband Lars and I moved to Darwin, Northern Territory to lead and transition C3 Church Darwin into a fresh, new season. The church grew rapidly & steadily over following years, and as we increased our space and added services, God continued to fill them! Although so thankful for all God was doing, alongside the growth came complexities and challenges of leadership I’d never faced nor been responsible for. At times it felt overwhelming and beyond my capacity.

An encouraging revelation for me amongst it all has been to just keep growing and learning! Great leadership involves a commitment to continually grow, change, learn & increase our capacity. We’ll never be perfect leaders or have all the skills we need, but as long as we’re growing, we’re doing ok! Maintaining an attitude of ‘always the student, never the expert’ does us all well. It keeps us humble, reliant on God, not our own ability or expertise.

Paul encourages the believers he’d mentored in Thessalonica of this very thing:

“And now, beloved brothers and sisters, since you have been mentored by us with respect to living for God and pleasing him, I appeal to you in the name of the Lord Jesus with this request: keep faithfully growing through our teachings even more and more.”

-1 Thessalonians 4:1 (TPT)

Keep growing! Keep learning! More and more! This is a great key to leadership and ever so appropriate right now. I’ll be forever thankful for my time as a C3 College student, but I’m still “in class” years later and I intend to stay there.

C3 College