Collaborâte - 3 tips for working with other creatives - Kristian Jones
with Kristian Jones
Welcome back to the #Collaborâte blog. Today we're with Kristian Jones, graduate of our 2008.
What are your three tips for working with other creatives?
You’re crazy and they’re crazy, its important to be okay with that.
Your idea isn’t always the best idea.
What you make isn't a part of who you are, it’s separate from you and seperate from the others you’re collaborating with.
Thanks for reading.
#Collaborâte is an initiative of C3 College. Our aim is to increase the appreciation of collaboration and community in the creative process because sometimes the genius we need is locked up in the relationships we have.
We’ve seen that a lot in our C3 College creative arts courses, and if you’re considering using your creativity for Godly purposes, we’d recommend you spend some time studying with us.