Can you briefly describe your journey towards Christ?

“I grew up in a Christian household with good values but at 16 years old I began on my own journey of faith. I asked questions such as, “Is Jesus real to me? Not just because of what my family believe but what I believe?” This journey of discovery came after my sister had invited me to Church which I hadn't been going to for a couple of years. It was at this stage that my parents had been walking through a divorce which shattered my world, and I blamed God. But that very time walking into Church the Holy Spirit began speaking to me and softening my heart. A short time later I had a personal encounter with Jesus in my bedroom. Through it, I asked Jesus to come into my heart to be my Lord and Saviour. That night which happened 20 years ago completely changed my whole life and I have never looked back, living for Him fully. Jesus has brought healing, redemption, forgiveness and blessing. Following him is the best decision I have ever made.”

Why did you choose to study with C3 College Online?

“I had signed up for the C3's short courses as I was looking for content to upskill in some areas of my life and Ministry as a Pastor. I came across the Diploma In Christian Ministries and Theology and felt the Holy Spirit say "study"! I felt him leading me to be purposeful and intentional in learning for 2023 and what attracted me about C3 College was the fact that I could do the units online, anytime, anywhere, at my own pace, in my own space, and with in my local Church, it worked around family life and work commitments and I absolutely loved it.”

What did you get out of your experience with us?

“C3 College helped equip me with a strong theological understanding of the Bible with a practical emphasis on applying it to my life and ministry within the local Church. I gained a wider understanding of the scriptures, depth of wisdom and insight, and confidence to outwork what God was calling me to. I saw exponential growth on the inside, which overflowed into many areas of my life. I have a greater love for God, the Bible, and His Church.”

Who would you recommend studying our courses?

“Anybody and everybody, C3 College Online was so accessible, the tutors were very helpful, and the content was rich in understanding and experience. It is brilliant for any Local Church wanting to grow in Biblical knowledge, insight and wisdom. If you are looking to study this year, say "YES" to God, it is the best decision.”

Chantelle Nash

Lead Pastor of Dreambuilders Church, Bunbury WA.