Celine Mathe
C3 college has heightened my relationship with God and developed me as person. I used to lack confidence and be quite a timid person, and I never really knew why I would respond like that in situations. One day after a college class, I decided to go for a walk up Mt Majura and read my bible and spend some time with God. I asked Him to reveal to me the roots of my problems. In that moment, I felt God say that He wanted me to call my friend and see how she was. So I did, and as I was speaking to her, siting on a mountain all alone with my Bible, I began to sob intensely. We discussed issues that I never considered to be the source of my broken identity. She then encouraged me and that conversation was so influential that it has shifted how I act and how I respond to situations ever since. My friend spoke into my life what God intended for me. After our call, I prayed that God would heal me from my past experiences and I felt such an overwhelming presence of love. He met me in my brokeness and healed what caused me to be held back.
Celine Mathe, 1st year, Leadership & Ministry student, C3 College Canberra.