Emily Francis
Role: Dean of Student Welfare
Qualifications: Bachelor of Education, Diploma of Christian Ministry, Currently studying Masters in Counselling
2021 Subjects: Relationships and Emotional Intelligence, Character and Spiritual Formation, Encountering the Holy Spirit
What did you want to be when you grew up: An Olympic Gymnast
What brought you to C3 College: 1st year I came because I was a bit stuck figuring out what I wanted to do at University and I felt a 'call' to ministry. The 2nd year I came for a boy. Oops. But God still used it.
Where can you usually be found on campus and off: You'll find me on campus, floating between 2 buildings as I work for College and the Pastoral Department. Either way I will usually be in an office with the door closed having deep chats with someone.
Off-campus, you'll find me hanging with my husband and kids. My ultimate day is reading indoors in front of the fire. However, I have married an extremely active, outdoors person so sometimes he makes me go outside. I do not enjoy it.
What are you best known for at C3 College: Laughing at inappropriate jokes. Laughing at Ryan Kerrison. Laughing at myself. Laughing at others. So basically, laughing. And when I'm not laughing, maybe crying with someone in my office when they are struggling. I am a woman of extremes.
If you had a superpower what would it be: Being able to speak every language = gospel efficiency.
What do you love about your teaching or position on staff: I love student welfare because I genuinely love talking to people about their challenges & bringing Jesus solutions. I love teaching Encountering the Holy Spirit because I love the Holy Spirit!! I love teaching Character and Spiritual Disciplines because I want people to have many tools by which they can encounter God and be transformed. I loved teaching Relationships and Emotional Intelligence because I believe the emotional life is important and needs to be given weight to.
Why do you think people should come to C3: We have an amazing combination of Holy Spirit-empowered ministry, practical skills, sound theology and opportunities for transformation. We also have incredible lecturers who have earned their right to teach each subject. We also have a staff who genuinely care about the students and want them to fulfill their potential. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we are fun.