Ryan Kerrison
Role: Short Courses Coordinator
Qualifications: Masters of Theology
Short Courses: Introduction to Apologetics, Understanding Genesis
What did you want to be when you grew up: A policeman, I think... Or a fireman. But now I have what my wife calls "thinker's arms"
What brought you to C3 College: My pastor saw me about to waste my potential. I asked God what he thought and felt a peace I hadn't felt in a long time. So I packed up my bags, left for College and haven’t looked back since!
Where can you usually be found in and out of the office: In the office, distracting anyone who will listen with an annoying theological conundrum.
Outside I’m reading for more conundrums or chatting about something meaningful over a pint with a friend.
What are you best known for at C3 College: I have been a theological watchdog. However, I like to think of myself as a 'spirited discusser' of theology.
If you had a superpower what would it be: Invisibility, of course!
What do you love about your position on staff: I love the people in my job. My teammates, my bosses, my students. Everyone is unique and sees the world in a different way to me, which makes talking about God that much more fun.
As the German protestant theologian, Helmut Thielicke said about theology: “Nothing human, is foreign to it.” I love that idea, that no matter what the topic, question or the person I'm talking to - good theology is at the centre of it.
Why do you think people should study with C3: To have their life trajectory completely changed by God - in a good way. In fact, in the best way! They'll have the opportunity to learn more than they thought they would and to be discipled by some of the greatest followers of Jesus around.