issue #9
“So often people question if they are growing in Christ and how would they know even if they thought they were. My engineering background has always led me to think in the language of measurement and here in this passage, we get some markers for our growth in faith…”
Where are they now?
“I was at the peak of my business career in 2008 when suddenly started to feel a gentle nudge that felt like the Lord was calling me somewhere new and wildly different. After meeting a C3 Church Healing Evangelist visiting California I knew what was next for me…”
“There are many benefits of studying the Bible & Leadership and Pastoral Care at C3 College. I'd like to draw your attention to 2 benefits that stand out for me: understanding the Bible and therefore ourselves, and understanding others...”
Partner with us!
We wanted to offer an opportunity to pioneer with C3 alumni Clarence and Deb as they begin offering a campus experience in Malaysia. Donations to the Malaysian Scholarship offer vital ministry training opportunities for people in a Muslim country. The Pastors Scholarship Fund trains pastors in developing nations through online resources.
issue #8
“As followers of Jesus on this side of Calvary, we are not called to a legalism of regulations and calendars, we are called to a lifestyle of abiding.”
“To say that the one year there was life-transforming would not be an exaggeration. What God did through that year, through the teaching and ministry we were exposed to, through the friendships gained, set the framework and foundation for what God was going to do through us over the next 12 years.”
“In the church we must always be aware, not just that God is moving but where is He moving because we must move with him and remain always in God’s shadow so that only His light shines, only His story is told.”
Where are they now?
“It’s now more than 10 years since I first walked into morning chapel and I am still living in Sydney, planted in a local church on the North Shore, I have a career that I am passionate about and I am married to my one great love in life. I can confidently say that those years at college were my “pivot” moment and for that, I’m so very grateful.”
issue #7
"Desiring to relate to others is something we will never escape from nor should try to. We should embrace what we are wired for – that yes, while life is for God, it flourishes through strong relationships with those around us."
"I believe that creativity is the process required to resolve any physical or emotional problem to the point of redemption. Creativity is the drive that emerges to thrive and I think that it is connected to grace..."
Where are they now?
"I quickly realised that, in order to lead effectively, particularly as a bi-vocational minister, delegation was going to be a key factor, and that it would have a marked impact on both my business and on our church location."
"In this season of my life, I am learning that as a creative I can function as a creative wherever I may be, and that God has allowed opportunities for me to outwork that creativity even within this current job."
issue #6
“In my current doctoral work at the University of Oxford, I discovered a rich source of theology for helping us through our current tine. Exploring the question of human desire has led me to the theology of St. Augustine. His works are probably the greatest in the Christian canon outside of the scriptures.”
"Creativity is permanent. It’s a full time, life long ability, gift and well, it’s your job. When your project fails or you feel like it’s not working out the way you hoped, you think you can quit. But the truth is - creativity is in your soul and you can’t turn it on and off. Creativity lives on our words, in our eyes when we see the world around us and it’s a superpower that can help others."
Where are they now?
"I still remember sitting in C3 College classes as a young 19-year-old, eagerly learning from the amazing men and women of God who brought such a rich understanding of the Bible and life in ministry. I was beginning to discern God’s call for my life and although a little hesitant..."
"Since before I attended C3 College, I always felt called to church planting. The following five years was a journey filled with pushing on doors to find where God would take us, and believing that He had a plan for us. After some really specific prophetic words from complete strangers, we knew God had us on the move and would bless our steps."
Issue #5.
“What if I said to you, prove that the Bible is true, without using the Bible as your source? What would you use? As students of the Biblical text a great way to expand your understanding of the Bible is to read beyond the pages of the Bible.”
“The very first thing we learn about God, the very first thing we see Him doing, before we learn of any other characteristic… God created. God is creative. He is the ultimate creative. He is THE CREATOR. So, if I am a child of God, if I have been made in His image, if I am filled with His Spirit, the Spirit of God, I too, am creative. “
Where Are They Now?
“I believe that as Christian leaders, we have a responsibility from God to build communities that understand the value and key elements of conflict resolution. This has been a huge learning curve for Jaime and I in a cross-cultural environment…”
“I came to C3 College after receiving a scholarship at Presence Conference 2012. Leaving behind my family and friends in my hometown, Bowral, I relocated to Sydney and studied Acting and Theatre Craft for two years.”
Issue #4.
“As I sit here contemplating what to write, the question that I can’t shake is - what do people need to hear during this time? Do they need comfort? Perhaps inspiration and answers in the face of crisis, loss and uncertainty?”
“In this wild time of “isolation” and “staying safe”, I have rekindled my love of journaling and writing for no other reason than to create. In the busyness of everyday life, we can so easily forfeit that creative space for the things that pay the bills or get us through the day.”
Where Are They Now?
“Do you also think that building the church in corona times is quite boring? Zoom and Skype running 24/7 with tiresome repeating patterns: “can you hear me now?” You might not agree yourself, but I promise you, many of your team would.”
“There were many lessons learned while at C3 College in just one year, lessons that set pillars of faith into my life that have helped me as a believer and a leader, as a husband, father, and as a worker in whatever workplace I have been in.”
Issue #3.
"God seems to be free for the taking. In fact, not just God himself, but defining who this God is, seems to be construed by the search of finding many different truths and bringing them together to join one’s own biography."
"Being decisive does so much for our churches. It builds trust, confidence, courage, following, assurance, direction, peace, stability and clarity."
Issue #2.
"God was letting me know that He was real and that I needed to get on Mary Murphy’s ‘Hot Tamale Train’. And get on it I did! It’s been fun. It’s been challenging. It’s had its ups and its downs but I’m still on board. Are you?"
"It’s not all up to me. Easy to say but not always what I really believe. Even if I tell myself this truth, subconsciously I can be carrying around a burden, pressure, belief that I have to make this thing happen."
Issue #1.
"One of my more passionate areas of Soteriology is helping people discover the joy in the ‘already/not yet’ of their Salvation. I feel this one area, if understood and personally applied, has a profound impact on how a believer ‘works out their salvation’."
"The more I observe the people I'm working with, the more I realise that the gold is not really present in the form of 'gold nuggets'; it's more 'gold layers'."
Where Are They Now?
"I started to learn about being a songwriter and the necessary skills that I needed to create a song but it wasn’t until I was pushed to my absolute limits in my abilities that I had to learn more important skills that would help me both sustain and succeed in the creative life."