Spêak - Braden Clingeleffer
It's often quoted that the voice of God is a still, quiet voice.
Which is true.
It's also often said that it's like a mighty hurricane.
Which is true.
In my experience though, for a big portion of my journey, It's hard to find a voice at all.
There have absolutely been times in which amongst my naivety, God has made something incredibly obvious to me. Other times it has been in the quiet, restful moments in which God has whispered to my heart.
But other times, there's nothing.
The question is, how do we hear from God when we can't hear His voice?
So often, we can get caught up in hearing something in the moment. We find ourselves in a situation and we expect God to spontaneously speak to us - whether it be loud or soft, we listen for a voice.
"So often, we can get caught up in hearing something in the moment."
Ephesians 1:17 “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
God not only gives us revelation, but He has given us a spirit of wisdom in the knowledge of Him.
He has given us revelation rooted in our spirit, that we may know Gods voice even when we don't hear it. Faith is not necessarily pushing and pursuing to hear God speak to us in a moment, but rather a remembering of the promises He has made, the revelation He has already given to you, and in this knowing I believe that God speaks to you. Through remembering the revelation He has given you, He brings new revelation.
For me, the greatest revelation for me to remember is Gods peace. If I find myself in one of those moments in which I need the spirit of wisdom and revelation from God, I remember His peace. Peace is a huge guide in my life. In the big and the little, I know God is faithful to speak to me through His peace. It's not necessarily a ‘voice’, but the knowing, the revelation that He has placed in my spirit that guides me. Gods peace is my compass.
"Our God has created us uniquely, so He may use unique ways to speak to us."
For others, it may not be peace that is so prominent. It may be a spirit of Faith, it could be a prophetic gift that He has given in order to help guide your life. But whatever it is, I believe God has placed things in each of us, things that help us to know His voice even when we don't hear His voice. I want to encourage you to discover your gift. Through His spirit of wisdom and revelation, discover how He has spoken to you and how He continues to speak to you. Stir up that gift. Have faith in the wisdom He has given you so hey we aren't constantly fretting that we aren't hearing from God. We have already best from Him, so use what He has already given you to move forward and He will continue to speak to you and bring fresh revelation into you heart.
Our God has created us uniquely, so He may use unique ways to speak to us. Know what yours is and continue to walk in Faith. Live in boldness because of the revelation and wisdom He has given us. Remember the promises He has made to you.
Braden Chase Clingeleffer, a C3 College 3rd Year Leadership and Ministry student, hungry for God to Spêak.