Spêak - Jessica Deal
It is easier to silence God's voice than it is to listen to it. Whether it's a life altering word or an instruction to encourage someone that looks sad at a grocery store, hearing from God, the almighty creator of the universe, is a powerful thing. Our knowledge and understanding of everything that is going on in the world around us is so minuscule. When we look to our omniscient God and seek His will over our own we can gain access to His thoughts and plans for our lives, which are well beyond what we could ever perceive.
"It is easier to silence God's voice than it is to listen to it."
More often than not, as believers we cry out to God and deeply desire to hear from Him, but when The Holy Spirit says something we do not want to hear, we harden our hearts towards Him rather than trusting in the plan he has for our lives and truly following him. In my walk with God I went through a season where I tried to completely separate myself from the plan that God had for my life because I didn’t understand that God always gives us his best.
Looking back on it now I realise that even though I tried to be distant and do things in my own strength, God was always there. I heard the still small voice that was knocking on my heart reminding me of the wonder that is in Christ Jesus, I just silenced it. For me, truly getting in touch with the voice of God has been through the process of surrender. I found that the more I made God the Lord of my life and positioned my heart towards Him through prayer, the word and worship, the more I began to recognise it when He spoke. Eventually I began to not only hear from God but listen to Him and follow the plan He has for my life.
"As we place our trust in him and allow him to guide us I believe he will reveal himself and his will for our lives."
Revelation 3:20 says this “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” It might not be what we want to hear, and it might not be exactly when we want it, but as we place our trust in him and allow him to guide us I believe he will reveal himself and his will for our lives. Whatever season we are going through in life whether it is chaos, peace, uncertainty, doubt, or joy, when we allow God entrance into our hearts and are eager to listen to what he has to say I believe we will hear him speak.
Jessica Deal, a C3 College 2nd Year Leadership and Ministry student, zealous for God to Spêak.